Product Samples from are a great way to see a product before you buy it. A great way to make an informed decision on your potential product.
With so many colors available, our Shutter Samples are a great way to try before you buy! We have shutter samples available for both our Vinyl & PVC Shutters and when you buy a shutter sample, we give you a full-price credit back to your account towards the purchase of new shutters.
Adding new faux stone panels to your home's interior or exterior can be a big decision. Does the faux stone really look real? What will the color look like at my home? With our Faux Stone Samples, you don't have to worry about any of that. Along with helping you make the right descision, each sample comes with a credit back when the panels are ordered.
Not sure which beam style is right for you? Order a sample to explore finishes and textures up close. Our samples help you choose the perfect texture and finish for your project and come with the added benefit of crediting the sample cost toward your final purchase. For maintaining the beauty of your faux wood beams, our touch-up kits make it easy to address minor imperfections and keep them looking pristine over time.
We literally have hundreds and hundreds of different styles of moulding available on our site. That amount of selection is amazing, but we know it can also be hard to pick one when they all look so amazing! Not to worry. Simply order a moulding sample today and make sure you know what you want before you buy. And don't worry about the cost- The price of your sample comes back to you in the form of store credit on your account, so it can help you once you're confident you've found the perfect moulding for your project.