One of the newest, products to the Ekena Millwork line of products are the faux wood beams. They have been selling really well and one of our customers, Sandy from Arizona, gave us the following feedback:
“We are basically doing a kitchen remodel and the compliments we have received just on this portion (recessed beams/ lighting) have been so generous! [I’m] an extremely satisfied customer [who is] hoping to order more beams for our family room project!”
Thanks Sandy for the positive feedback! We are so glad that you used them in such a beautiful project!
The Ekena Millwork endurathane faux wood beams are a gorgeous addition to any home. They provide the look and feel of real wood, but without the maintenance! Compared to real wood beams, they are much lighter allowing for easy installation. Not only are they aesthetically appealing, they are affordable as well! Finally, there are several different faux wood species to choose from to create a unique look.
With little maintenance, affordability and aesthetic beauty, why not purchase your very own Ekena Millwork faux wood beam?
Check out the link below with the full line of beams and rafter tails!