Our warehouse team is incredible. They assemble, cut, drill products all day long while doing quality control over packaging. This week we are going to check out the custom operations behind the custom two-piece ceiling medallions.
From a consumer standpoint, assembling the perfect ceiling medallion with the perfect light fixture can be a difficult task. Even if there is a pre-cut hole in the middle of the ceiling medallion, there is the likelihood that the light fixture cannot fit through without scratching the sides. Or it is too frustrating with all of the wires that are poking out in all sorts of different directions. Admittedly, it can be a tricky task to assemble the dream ceiling medallion and light fixture combo.
The solution: two piece ceiling medallions!
Two-ceiling medallions make home improvement projects a breeze. Our warehouse team receives the customer’s ceiling medallion order and notes that it is to be cut in half. Selecting the correct ceiling medallion off the shelf, one of our team members uses a scroll saw to split the medallion. It is important to note that the cut must be straight and pass quality control to be approved to ship to our beloved customers.
Check out the pictures below of the split ceiling medallion.